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E-Book Pricing – A Survey


As I’ve said on here before (shouted from the rooftops, whatever) I am finally publishing.  I’m putting a few of my shorts out on the market in the next month or so.  I’m putting together the covers, then I’ll figure out how to format the books to work in kindle, set up the publishing house business (there will be a post on how to do this, at least in Tennessee, once I figure this part out), and ask others what else I’ll need to do.

I really have no clue at this point so you can see why I’m starting with short stories.  They are me testing the waters 🙂  I’ve always been a dip my toe in to test the temp kind of girl.  Which is probably why I love writing more reckless characters.  Reckless is far more fun, but not recommended in business 🙂

So, I’m surveying what I should be charging for the shorts.  You have to price at least $0.99 on Amazon (or so I’ve been told).  I was thinking:

5,000 – 10,000 words $0.99

10,000 – 20,000 words $1.99

20,000 – 30,000 words 2.99

Do these seem reasonable?  Published authors, what are your pricing ranges for shorts?  Readers, what do you expect things to be priced at?  Do you see $0.99 and think cheap, or just short?  Would you expect something of publishable quality to be a dollar more on the scale?

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