Hey everyone, today is the 1 year birthday of amiecus curiae! In honor of this blog’s one year mark, I thought I’d revisit some of my favorite posts.
Law Basics That I’m Always Shocked Normal People Don’t Know: This was my first law post and I love it because when my blog was a mere babe of 3 days old, this post got me over 1100 views and 150 shares on Facebook.
THE GODS DEFENSE – PART 1: This is the start of my now finished novel, The Gods Defense. It started out as a short story and I used that as a springboard for a full book. I’m editing it one more time and sending it to beta readers this week. It’s the first book I finished since law school and is what really got me “back into my writing.” 🙂
“HEY BABY, WHAT’S YOUR PERSONALITY TYPE?” Writer’s Hub Assignment: This one’s an assignment on using the Myers-Briggs personality test on your characters to help flesh them out. I’m camp character all the way, meaning I focus first and foremost on the character development, but plot’s a close second, 🙂 so I have to know my characters so well I could be sleeping with them.
YOU’RE NOT LAZY IF YOU’RE TRYING TO WRITE AND JUST CAN’T – ASK YOURSELF WHAT ELSE IS GOING ON: I think the title says it all here. This post is about trying to get to the bottom of so called “writer’s block” when it’s lasted for weeks to years, and figuring out how to get yourself back to your writing.
WEEK THREE WRITER’S CRISIS! TIME FOR AN EXPLOSION!: This was, you guessed it, in the third week of Nanowrimo when I was slowing down and trying to keep momentum. So I blew up a building I don’t like 🙂
FIGHTING AND FASHION – DRESSING TO KILL: Discussing concealed carry on women and how girls fight depending on what they’re wearing. (If I see any of you having the woman doing roundhouses in four inch stilettos, we’re going to have a problem. If, however, you have her kick them off and use them as weapons, that’s awesome 🙂
A NOVEL IS A SEDUCTION: This was way too much fun to write and, yeah, it gets dirty. But it really fits when you think about it 😉
EDITING – THE I HATE MY WHOLE DAMN NOVEL PHASE: On the first round of editing The Gods Defense and deciding the book sucks! And sucking it up. Also, a good way to chart your scenes.
TRIAL PERFORMANCE BASICS FOR WRITERS: This was the 8 general parts of a trial for people trying to write one fairly accurately 🙂 (Best way to write about one when you’re not a lawyer is to go see one.)
Waiting is the Hardest Part, Rejections are a Close Second – Story Submissions: Basic rules when submitting short stories to magazines and contests.
And last but certainly not least, it is one of my top 5 favorites: Why We Pound On The Publishing Door, Begging The Gatekeepers To Let Us In: An analysis of this question and human nature.
Happy Birthday! And happy writing 🙂